

Strategy, Research, Creative Development, Video Production, and Digital

The Challenge

When Gravity Global began working with Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), Michigan was facing a trending decline in population growth and concern that there won’t be enough people to do the jobs that are anticipated in the future. Recruiting and retaining talent remains to be a top concern of business leaders across the country.

MEDC was undertaking responsibility of strategically investing in promoting the state of Michigan, with the aim of bolstering both the population, workforce and increasing awareness of Michigan as a world-class destination to attract businesses to the state.

The Opportunity

Through our comprehensive research we found that the unemployment rate hit a remarketable low despite the future economy. This increase in available jobs provided more opportunity and stable work for talent.

However, the low unemployment rate made recruitment and retention of talent more difficult – the pool of candidates was shrinking as employees were finding stable work. Employee turnover increased as they sought out better opportunities.

People were now reconsidering name recognition and big paychecks for smaller and midsize tech companies that offered more personal culture. Our approach for this campaign was to specifically target individuals seeking a workplace that places a strong emphasis on fostering a positive and inclusive organizational culture.

The Solution

Michigan is a destination that provides rewarding tech career opportunities and the desirable lifestyle that inspires you to make your mark: You Can in Michigan

The campaign was brought to life utilizing a data-informed communication process, which identified the most effective touchpoints to activate at each stage of the target audience’s journey, from sparking awareness of tech industry careers in Michigan, to consideration of the reasons to believe, and ultimately to conversion (submitting contact information to receive employment support).

Full-funnel media activation, and creative messaging was customized to each of the four target audiences, experienced and students with both skilled tech and trade tech fields. Advanced 1st and 3rd party audience data sources utilized to laser focus on target tech industries in the semiconductor, EV and advanced manufacturing sectors.

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Immediate results


The goal of inquiries and 935k qualified visits/leads


 Lift in advertising awareness


Lift in consideration for moving to Michigan


Lift in communicating career opportunities


Lift communicating quality of life in Michigan

  • Michigan moves up 6 places in the National Rankings to be top 10 state for business
  • National Press: Newsweek “Michigan is the new Silicon Valley”

Long Lasting Value

MEDC is a proud winner of 11 Telly Gold and Silver Awards, which honors excellence in video and television across all screens. Also, a Hermes Gold Award winner which honors the messengers and creators who bring their ideas to life through traditional and digital platforms.

Imagining a Sweeter Path to Authentic Connections

We developed platform strategies, content, and KPIs to build master brand awareness while driving product knowledge and trial through social media.

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