
VOCO joins Gravity Global

We’re excited to welcome VOCO to the Gravity Global family! This acquisition brings even more talent to our team, fueling our mission to deliver best-in-class social media and brand-to-demand solutions. Read the press release.

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Low cost, high impact: How pursuing sustainable success can achieve more sales

January 26, 2021

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The rallying cry of marketing briefs invariably include calls for low cost and high impact but when searching for this state of high performance with your marketing activities, how truly convinced are you from the outset that you will achieve the business ambition? How sure are you that you have the most efficient marketing plan that will deliver the business case? Do you have the complete data to support or are there gaps? Are you completely sure the marketing activity will return a positive ROI?

Below are some common phrases used to justify the billions of dollars that the marketing industry spends:

“It should work but we will certainly test and learn”

“It’s really disruptive so will work well”

Amazingly creative and customers will love it”

“This is so much better than the last campaign”

“It’s really very strong and connects right across the customer journey.”

What other function in your business evaluates activity so subjectively and with such little evidence?

This lack of certainty is because the formula for achieving sustainable success is constantly subject to opinion and debate.

Time for all this to change.

At Gravity we have developed an approach that aims to remove the debate by studying what marketing levers brands can pull to achieve growth.

This strategic development process has been developed from extensive research into identifying what makes some companies grow faster than others.

And it simplifies the complex:

The findings show that there are three main levers brands can manipulate to achieve sustainable success. We named them Fame, Admiration and Belief. FAB for short.

FAME is a measure of how well people know your brand and understand what you do.

ADMIRATION is the strength of how emotionally predisposed people feel towards your brand.

BELIEF measures the strength of people willing to engage and commit to your brand and recommend you to others.

No single attribute can deliver success on its own, and all three need to be in balance for a business to maximise success from Brand to Demand.

Each lever has twelve critical success measures that provide hard data for better decision making and provide a blueprint for which levers need to be pulled to achieve the desired outcome.

Applying FAB enables us to benchmark our clients’ current brand and market performance, define their future go-to-market programmes and measure, track and enhance the marketing activities across all the critical factors for success.

We have seen how, by using FAB, we are able to deliver a Share of Attention disproportionate to market share and marketing investment that accelerates market growth, delivers sustainable success and provides a return on every £, $ or € greater than the industry benchmark.

FAB is the methodology we used to develop the Profit Hunter Brand to Demand programme for Embraer, now famously described as the world’s most successful B2B programme with over 50 awards for excellence across all marketing activities and delivering $15.3 billion in orders.

Want to hear more, or find out how we can help accelerate your brand? Get in touch today.

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